Mastering Mindset

Comparison: The Thief of Joy

Dr. Mat Park Season 4 Episode 8

I've been waiting to share this episode with you all because this topics is a struggle for me as much as it is these with everyone I'm running into... the comparison trap.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is a thief of joy.” And I believe this statement is more true today than ever. But why does comparing ourselves with others rob us of joy?

Psychologists recommend that when we compare, we should create a list of the top 7 people in our category and instead of comparing ourselves to the #1 person on the top of the list, try to compare yourself to the 7th person on the list. When we do this, the envy, discouragement, and feelings of defeat might not be as strong and we may find more similarities to the 7th person on that list compared to the number 1 person. 

I hope you find this episode helpful whether you are a golfer, a parent, a coach, or someone who has fallen into the comparison trap as much as I have these days from scrolling aimlessly on social media.

Welcome to the Mastering Mindset Podcast.

Hope to connect with you in 2022.


Registration for my elite mental training camp is NOW open with limited seating. You can find more information here:

-Dr. Mat

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